Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bahkan sampe hari ini...

Aku bertemu dengannya minngu ini..di antara 4 org satu yang menyalamiku..itupun karena aku YM k dia..but thx God..he didnt change..he is still the one for me..he still listen to me..he is so mean to me..dn mlm minggu ku pun terdengar suara dsebrang sana..huumm aq kangennn..
Dn lg..bhgia dulu ato kecewa dulu..2kali aku bertemu..siX sama sekali tak meyalamiku..bahkan ignorng that a friend? Even he didtn notice bout birthday..huxhux..what a pity i could i celebrate it wit them..smntara mrk saja lupa padaku..bhkan dia mryakan ultah temennya..its really2 hurt me..but its fine..i've decided it
I wont hurt,,this my life.HE IS NOTING IN MY LIFE..I HATE HIM..I JUST USE HIM..NO MORE..what friendship what i have if no change from him..thx God..for always tech me how to be patient..just this time..i give up..i move to the otjers that respectme.thx yu

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