Saturday, February 11, 2012

I miss u..i love you..

To my beloved frend...iswanto and rhoma..i really miss u guys..i dont know..just feel weird thing recently..
Since you..sumitro..kamu rajin FB an skr..d saat gw males FB you like my friend too?? And you rhoma..when i try to care with you..u unfollow me from twitter..
No..i dont angry..i was too love self esteem didnt say that..
To my beloved frien..u sould know..i try to leave my past feeling and healing with please dont feel burden for my action..i was too love you..i dont want lost you..
To my beoved friend..i am so sorry to treat u like my lover..its a big no..i have no right in your life..i just do my best as friend..until i find my life mate..
To my beloved friend..i always love youuntilnow..get more succes in ur way..amin

[The entire original message is not included]

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